Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful New Mexico

 I got in trouble with mom this morning when I hid under the dresser.  She spanked me so I pouted in the back of the car  for a while.  I don't know why she won't listen to me and quit putting me in the car every morning.  I wanted to sit on the comfy bed and watch TV.  I don't get to watch it at home because we don't  have one.  I know not many cats get to see the world like I do.  Honestly I was a little scared to find out just how big the world is.  Mom says there are even more places to see and that our trip is short compared to some.  I have been seeing everything go by in a blur for almost a week now and I am actually thinking it might be fun to go on another trip soon.  Not too soon...I want to rest up for a more than a few hours before going in a car again.

Anyway, I like New Mexico.  The roads are smooth and the colors are pretty.  There is more to look at than Oklahoma (sorry Oklahoma fans).  I do have one question though...why is this trip all about cars!  We stopped at a car museum.  To look at cars.  Like we haven't seen enough of them on the road, not to mention being in one for soooo many days now.
I'll look at old cars if it gets me out of this car!

I did get to meet Mater's cousin, Bozo.  He wasn't as funny but he was funny looking.  LOL   He didn't have an engine or seats and he was rusty too.  At least he didn't take me anywhere.  I liked that he just let me explore.  I wonder if it tickled.

Bozo and Me!

Do you see the resemblance?

Now that is a family reunion I'd like to be at.  Even if they are all cars!  Mater tells the best the one about the ghost light.  I sure am glad that we left that ghost town before I saw that light.

There were lots of  sunflowers and old buildings on the side of the road that mom stopped to get a picture of.  It seemed like as soon as I got settled in for a long drive we stopped again.

I think Albequerque is the prettiest city we have been through so far.  It's not exactly clean but there are so many different styles of buildings and as far as old Rte 66 goes it has the most to see in the city itself.  We went to the famous Route 66 diner and had a chocolate malt.  Well mom did, I am not allowed to have milk.  Of course, once again it's ALL about the cars!  There was even parts of cars IN the restaurant!  Silly people.  
the Route 66 diner
I wish it had been closer to night time, then the neon lights would've been lit up.  That would have been a sight to see.  It started to rain a little and mom was getting a little anxious to finish seeing all of Albequerque so most of it was seen through the car windows.  Not to mention there really was limited parking and it was the main road.
car parts AND gas pumps in a restaurant?

I think the most interesting building I've seen on this trip was the Library Bar and Grill.  Just looking at the outside made me curious about the inside.  Okay, I know I am a cat and everything makes me curious but this made me even more curious.
read the titles of the "books"
Just before we crossed the Rio Grande there was a park called Tingley Beach.  It had a train, two lakes and tons of ducks.  One lake was for racing RC boats and the other one was for fishing.  Mom was going to let me go out on the leash until I saw 2 really big dogs and decided I would rather stay in the car...Ha ha go figure that one!  I wanted to stay in the car.  I did watch through the window while she talked to some people fishing.  I knew we weren't in Texas anymore, those fish were teeny and they were going to be dinner too!
this church was built in 1706!
such a good little fisher...girl?

It was raining when we finally crossed the Rio Grande.  Mom told me it means "Big River" in Spanish.  It wasn't so big when I saw it.  It is also the same river that is known as Rio Bravo del Norte or Rio Bravo in Mexico.  I didn't know something could have so many different names that mean the same thing. The Navajo Indians named it "Great Waters"
Mom has told me that we are going to stop for the night in Grants, New Mexico and then the next state will be Arizona.  We are almost done with our journey and now I am starting to enjoy the scenery and don't mind the car so much anymore.  Sure hope she doesn't remember all the trouble I gave her at first (and this morning) and will take me on another adventure!  For now I will just settle in to my favorite spot next to her and enjoy the rain.  The best part of rain is the rainbow in the sky when it's done.

this was on the Navajo reservation...we stopped just on the border

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