Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An apple a day...or is it a mouse?

what a great place!
I am not feeling good.  Mommy is taking me to the vet today.  I don't like going but I don't like being sick more. This is a new doctor for me and I want to make a good impression so as soon as Mommy tried to get me I ran to the litter box.  The problem is I can't go potty very much.

I wasn't nervous at all about meeting the doctor.  I like meeting new people and seeing new places.  I am after all a cat and we are curious by nature.  Mommy thought it was funny watching me explore the room.  I smelled all sorts of animals and could hear them on the other side of the door.  After a while I relaxed and stretched out on the floor.

Dr. Taylor
There was a cat that lived there named King George.  I don't know what he was "king" of because I am already king of the world.  He was cute though.  He sat in that basket the whole time Mommy waited to check out and let her take his picture.  I guess I am not the only "ham" when it comes to the camera.

King George
 I got a shot of medicine to help me feel better and it didn't even hurt.  The doctor was fantastic and the girls that checked us in and out were so nice and pretty too.  I gave them my best MEOW and winked.  I hope I didn't make too big a fool of myself..  I don't want to be sick but I would be happy to go there again and see all my new friends...even the wanna-be "king"!  LOL    Now to go take a nap.  I am exhausted.

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