Saturday, November 12, 2011

Goodbye Florida

Moving Day!  I was anxious to get on the road to our new home.  It was an 8 hr drive to get there and I couldn't wait to see all the sites on the way.  Mommy said there was lots of color on the way.  I don't know what she meant by that but it sure was pretty.
Can I drive?

Daddy drove the truck and I wanted to drive the car but Mommy said NO :(  We saw a motorcycle place on the way and decided to stop so I could sit on one.  It was big and fun.  I met a cute lady too.  (I tried to steal a kiss hee hee hee)

After we left Lakeland, I saw a building that looked like a piece of candy.  I call it the ROLO building.  I saw lots of moving trucks just like ours.  There were motorcycles too and some funny cars.

Shiver me timbers...AAARRRRGH
LOL  Georgia has the right idea.  A cat rental store and no dogs allowed.  I'm glad Mommy doesn't rent me out.  I like my family.  I don't think everyone should have a cat, it takes a special family to have a cat in charge.

There was so much to see in Georgia I'd never seen before.  I didn't even know it was all here until this trip.  I am Georgian (that means I was born there)

I found a spot under Mommy's seat to get a little shut eye.  How long is 8 hrs anyway.

Finally cats everywhere are getting exalted as we should be.  Those stupid dogs have a tree named after them.  Now we have a creek named after us.  Cats rule and dogs drool, so it was only a matter of time before someone realized it and gave us..........    
WAIT a minute!!!         Cats Don't like WATER!  Those stupid dogs must be behind this.  
After what seemed like about 15 naps, we made it to South Carolina.  My new home.  Good cuz it's time for exploring and a few more naps.

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