Monday, October 25, 2010

It's's snowing?

Last night the wind was howling and I thought  a tornado was coming!  Mom said they don't get tornados  where we are.  Still I stayed hidden for the whole night!  Then when I woke up this morning and looked out the window, there was this white stuff on the ground.. At first I thought it was a joke.  Then I remembered it is October and not April, so I asked Mom why and she looked out and started jumping up and down and yelling "its snowed Max, it snowed"  Her excitement rubbed off and now I can't wait to go investigate this snow.  She told me that I"ve seen it before in Georgia but I don't remember.  I was super happy about another adventure I didn't even mind putting on my leash, but I was a little skeptical about the hat and scarf Mom put on me.

Oh Boy! I know why Mom put the scarf on me...I sure wish I'd had boots too!  This snow is COLD!!!   Brrrrr.
It was so cold at first that I just sat and cried that I wanted to go back inside.  When I finally put a paw in it, I realized just how much fun it could be.  It kinda crunched under my paws and after a few minutes I didn't even feel the cold.  It was wet and muddy but I was very curious (I am a cat after all).

I roamed around and left my paw prints in the snow.
  I can't wait for more to show up...hey I think I remember this stuff now, but I don't remember it on the ground like this.  I remember seeing it in the sky.  Mom says that is how it gets on the falls!  I guess it is like a cat and always lands on it's feet because when it falls it doesn't get hurt.  Ha ha.

 I think the best thing about snow is that it means the Holidays are coming and I LOVE the Holidays.  First Thanksgiving and then Christmas and presents, family and food!  It's my favorite time of the year!

Well, I am going to go clean up and snuggle with Mom and get warm again.  Mom says that when more snow falls we can make a snowman.  I wonder what that means...?

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