Sunday, October 17, 2010

She'll be comin' round the mountain what is bigger than a car but has wheels like a car?  actually lots more wheels!

that's right, a TRAIN!   Mom took me on the train.  It's called TRAX, and is only for taking people places in the city.  I wasn't sure at first but once we got going I realized that Mom could hold me and didn't have to drive. We went along the entire track from Sandy to SLC and back again.  I had so much fun!!  even when she put my pirate costume on for ITLAPD.  (that is for International Talk like a Pirate Day.

As we were riding around SLC, I overheard a little girl say something about a castle!  I didn't know that there was any royalty living here.  I looked out the window and saw that it was only a church.  Silly girl!  I was really enjoying the attention I was getting .  Everyone commented on how well behaved and tolerant I was.  Well, Of course!  I am a well-bred cat and my mom taught me to be obedient.  Here are a few of the things we saw.

looking out the window at all the sights
the "castle"
the Devereaux Mansion

just in case you forget where you are...they put it on the building!  LOL

we saw LOTS of grafitti
I wish we could have got off the train and looked around the city some.  Mom said we will come back when we have more time and see some sites.  I saw some interesting things and hope we can come back soon.
BYE!  see ya next time :)

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