Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stirring up Trouble

on the lookout for trouble
Today we went to a place called Gardner Village.   I got to explore the whole place.  Everyone that saw me marveled that I walked on a leash.  I didn't like that I couldn't choose where to go so I made Mom carry me some of the way.  I can be really stubborn when I want to be.  I went with my cousins Sam and Kamron.  

We all went in costume. Mom surprised me with a new Bat(CAT)man costume.  I think I look awesome in it!  I was ready to go save the village against the evil Duck Brothers. After all, Danger IS my middle name.   Okay,Yes,  I just made that up, (not the Danger part)  but I could save everyone if there really were viIIains.  I imagined this because at the lake in the village there were 2 really big white ducks and I know from living in Florida that they can be mean and E-V-I-L!

me as my alter EGO

boil boil, toil and trouble
 There was lots of pumpkins and hay.  And these strange women  doing all sorts of strange things.  Mom called them witches.  They were stirring up pots of smelly potions, playing baseball and even hula hooping for the world's record!   I was not going to get to close even though I was VERY curious because I had no plans of living the rest of my 9 lives as a toad or worse...a DOG! 

I wanted to show everyone how good I am at impersonations! how
is my Toothless pose?

There was a house made out of pumpkins and even when I begged Mom she still wouldn't let me go inside.  Oh well most of them looked like they were melting anyway.  We walked all over the village and saw Halloween decorations and kids dressed up.  I had lots of people pet me and tell me how cute I am! (of course I already know this)

I love grass!

There was a wagon and I made myself comfy in and around it.  It didn't go anywhere but I was in a fantastic spot.  Everyone could see how adorable I am AND I could smell the most wonderful sweets in the shop next door.  All the women came out to see how handsome I am.

 I had a great day but I am glad to be home.  I need a nap.  It's been an hour or two since my last one!!!  Need to rest up so I am ready for the next adventure.  Until then...if you need me, just use the Bat(CAT) signal...LOL

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