Sunday, September 26, 2010


I've been a lazy cat!  I haven't finish posting about my trip and now I have another adventure to tell you about.  I will finish writing about the Rte 66 trip and then you can read all about my latest trip!

So, we left Grants NM and headed for the Arizona border.  We didn't have too far to go.
I just couldn't help myself...I HAD to at least try to hide!
As it turns out Arizona looks the same, no matter where you are.  The highlight of the entire state was the Continental Divide.  I wasn't really excited like Mom was especially when she wanted me to sit inside a Hogan.  That is a Navajo house.  It was traditionally circular but later was built in a hexagonal or octogonal shape.  Mom told me that some of the Navajo people still use them but they are mostly used for ceremonies now instead of dwellings (that means people living in them).  I don't think I would like to live in's not very big and NO windows!  I need windows to look out of.  I am after all curious.  Mom calls it "NOSY".
a hexagonal shaped Hogan

inside a covered wagon
Mom put me inside this covered wagon.  It's still a "car".  It just has less horse power...ha ha.  I crack myself up sometimes.  I know for a fact I wouldn't want to ride in this across the country.  First it would take longer and there wouldn't be any comfy place to sit.  I would feel every single bump in the road.  I will take my SUV over this any day.

so...if you pee "on" the divide which ocean will it flow to?

inside the Hogan

the ONLY place to sit inside the Hogan
When we left the Continental Divide behind us, we enter the Navajo Reservation. Mom stopped to get lunch and ate some authentic food.  She said it was really good.  I took her word for it since she also said it was HOT.  Not heat hot but spicy hot.  I helped her cool down by adjusting the AC for her.
I am such a good cat!
The last thing we saw in Arizona was the Petrified Forest.  I thought it was going to be a real scary forest but it was pretty awesome!  I liked some of the names of the rock formations.
don't I look like a scary panther?...(ok a small panther, maybe?)
Some of the names were silly and I am not sure how they came up with them but others made sense and I would've named the that too.  I know we were really close to the Grand Canyon.  I had hoped we would stop and see it but it was going to be dark by the time we got close and Mom was starting to feel the way I did about the car.  She was ready to be in Utah already and decided to only stop for the night and then be "home" by lunchtime.
the Painted Desert

the Teepees
I think the colors on the Teepees is beautiful.  I am black and white so I like things with lots of color.
this is along the Blue Mesa Trail...I like the formation of the rocks but it's not blue and I don't think this qualifies as a Mesa.

across from the Agate Bridge

Pintado Point
We stopped a million times to look at the rocks and I had to see it all from the window.  Mom wouldn't let me out of the car since the park was so big.  She was afraid I might go exploring and she wouldn't be able to find me.  The drive through the National Park was 28 miles.  When we got to the other end, we went into the gift shop and got a free piece of petrified wood.  I finally understood why it was called the Petrified Forest.  I thought it was because the trees were scared or scary.  It's because they have turned into rock.  And it was LOTS of money to buy a big piece of this rock wood.  I didn't care since it wasn't a very comfy place to sleep.
can you believe the price on this was $30,000
no...I am not making this up!

the tallest "standing" petrified tree in Arizona and maybe even the whole world.
We kept right on until we came to Flagstaff.  I really wanted to stop for the night but Mom decided to continue driving and got it into her head we could make the Utah border by midnight.  So...

the giant Jackrabbit.
we did some drive by shooting (with the camera silly).  These were a few of the quick stops we made on our way to the border.

the tag on the car reads...Doc Hudson
Can you believe that these were actual rooms for the hotel.  I think it was a great idea!  I like how in the movie "Cars" they put a twist on it and make it the "cone:" motel.  I wanted to see the inside of one.

Twin Arrows
So, we made it to the mountain range by night fall.  I think this picture is pretty cool.  It looks like the trees are marching in a line.  Trudging up a hill to get to where they are going.

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