Saturday, October 16, 2010

Peter, Peter Pumpkin eater

spider cat, spider cat....does whatever a spider cat does
Mom thought I looked so cute in my pirate costume she decided to make me another costume for Halloween. She says I have this "dead bug" pose so a bug I will be!   I am not sure how I am going to deal with 8 new legs and paws to clean but I am willing to try it.  I told her that technically a spider isn't a bug, she  said they BUG her, so there!  I can't put it on by myself but I can take it off...I am so smart!
my "dead bug" pose

She made me pose a lot so she could get just the right photo and I was only going to do it for so long before I protested.  Then she said that IF I could behave she would take me on an adventure to a Punkin Patch.  I don't know what a punkin is but it sure sounds fun.  She searched for just the right one and found a place called Mabey's Pumpkin Patch.
you should go!

OH  PUMPKIN!  ha ha

I finally figured out what a Pumpkin is...boy do I feel sheepish
 (guess it's a good thing there
are no sheep to offend on this farm.)
 It was a little cold out and I was more than happy to put on my spider suit to stay warm.  We went into this big field with all these strange orange balls.  I liked to smell them, they smelled yummy and a lot like Thanksgiving  so I got right to exploring. aha,  that's what a pumpkin looks like.  I thought they came in a can. I smelled all kinds of new smells and then I started to sneeze.  Mom said it was probably an allergy to the hay (she is allergic too).

I got to drive a tractor!  (not really but it looks like I did in the picture  LOL)
she thinks my tractor's SEXY!

peek -a-BOO!


There were only a few other people there so I didn't get to go on the hay ride.  I did get to ride in a wagon, thank goodness since it was all dirty there.  It was going to be a job to clean up after this adventure.   I posed really good for Mom and she was so happy that we got to spend some time together outside.
even though the wagon is dirty it isn't as dirty as the ground

I even tried a fierce pose!  I wanted to look scary like a Halloween cat even if I am not all black like they are.  I was starting to get tired and it started to rain so Mom and I said goodbye to Janet, the lady who owns the pumpkins, took our pumpkin and left for home.  I had a lot of fun, I hope to go back soon!

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