Thursday, December 23, 2010

Must be Santa

Beard so white
Suit that's red
I went to see Santa at Petsmart.  I went with my cousins and we were sooo excited.  I couldn't wait to tell him what I want for Christmas.  Mommy bought me some really cool hats and collars for our picture, but I got nervous with all the dogs around.  Don't get me wrong...I am not afraid of dogs.  I just don't care to be around them.  They are loud and they sniff too much.  (especially my BUTT!)

 Santa held me tight and told me it was ok.  He smelled like cookies and hot cocoa.  I like his scratchy beard too.

 I had my picture taken by The Utah ANIMAL ADVOCACY Foundation.

Just like Santa
I sat so good in the cart after I sat on Santa's lap.  Everyone commented on how good I was being.  Mommy started bragging about me and how I like to travel.  She even started to tell everyone about my writing and that I may even get published one day.

It was a fun day and I hope I get what I asked for...a new toy (I bit my old one in half OOPs)

Oh, and if you want to learn more about the Animal Rescue that Petsmart participates in go to

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