Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where Dreams Come True?

We made it to our first stop on our trip...Disneyworld!  Well, Downtown Disney.  I was excited to see what all the fuss was about.  Mommy and Dad say it's a magical place.  Mommy let me sit on her walker in my house and I had a great view of all the people there.  Everyone was so friendly and wanted to pet me. 

I went into the shops and tried on hats.  How do I look?  I liked the mouse ears...maybe I can be a better mouser with them on.  Especially with the magician's hat on them.  LOL

I found some dogs that don't bark OR sniff my butt.  I told them what's what!  See,  just like said before...Cats Rule and dogs drool.  Sooo many people were taking my picture and saying how adorable I was.  Mommy finally told me that the dogs were made from toy blocks.  I thought they were less hairy than normal and definitely smelled better.
Hey Buddy...what big everything you have!  I sure hope you don't want to eat me.  That's one big tater head.  

Here's more stuff made out of the toy blocks.  Daddy called them Legos.  He said that they just made a big park all out of Legos.  Maybe I'll ask for a Lego house for Christmas this year and a dog :)

Dory is teaching me to speak WHALE.  LOL

After dinner we got back on the road.  I was tired from all the attention but it sure made for sweet dreams.  Bye Mickey, Thank you for a fun afternoon.

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