Saturday, November 12, 2011

Goodbye Florida

Moving Day!  I was anxious to get on the road to our new home.  It was an 8 hr drive to get there and I couldn't wait to see all the sites on the way.  Mommy said there was lots of color on the way.  I don't know what she meant by that but it sure was pretty.
Can I drive?

Daddy drove the truck and I wanted to drive the car but Mommy said NO :(  We saw a motorcycle place on the way and decided to stop so I could sit on one.  It was big and fun.  I met a cute lady too.  (I tried to steal a kiss hee hee hee)

After we left Lakeland, I saw a building that looked like a piece of candy.  I call it the ROLO building.  I saw lots of moving trucks just like ours.  There were motorcycles too and some funny cars.

Shiver me timbers...AAARRRRGH
LOL  Georgia has the right idea.  A cat rental store and no dogs allowed.  I'm glad Mommy doesn't rent me out.  I like my family.  I don't think everyone should have a cat, it takes a special family to have a cat in charge.

There was so much to see in Georgia I'd never seen before.  I didn't even know it was all here until this trip.  I am Georgian (that means I was born there)

I found a spot under Mommy's seat to get a little shut eye.  How long is 8 hrs anyway.

Finally cats everywhere are getting exalted as we should be.  Those stupid dogs have a tree named after them.  Now we have a creek named after us.  Cats rule and dogs drool, so it was only a matter of time before someone realized it and gave us..........    
WAIT a minute!!!         Cats Don't like WATER!  Those stupid dogs must be behind this.  
After what seemed like about 15 naps, we made it to South Carolina.  My new home.  Good cuz it's time for exploring and a few more naps.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Mommy and I waited for the kids to come all dressed up, but no one came.  I was all ready to pounce and scare them too.

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Caturday

Happy Caturday!

Today is National Cat Day.  So I send a shout out to all my cat friends and fans.  HI Binxy!!!  I am very lucky to have a wonderful family to love me and that I can bless with my almighty presence and intellegence.  LOL
Really, though I am a very happy cat that gets everything I need and most of what I want.  And if they don't give it to me I just take it.  Like this cute little monkey I am hugging.  Mommy left it on the bed while she was packing and that makes it mine.  hee hee

So all the cats out there meow as loud as you can right now...just kidding.  Make sure your humans know how to treat you right.  Let them pet you and dote on you and give you presents.  And make sure they know that:

      CATS rule and dogs drool! ! ! !

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Old McCaskill had a Farm

.....E I E I O

Today was such a fun day.  We all went to a farm.  I saw so many new things.  I think I stole the show.

Everyone commented on how well behaved I am.  I don't mean to brag, but I am perfect. :)  

I saw some honey bees.  Mommy let me try some honey and it was yummy.  Too sticky though, and I don't want to be the one who goes in the hive to get it.  Mommy had to be careful cuz she is allergic to bees.

There was a building right next to the beehive and it smelled funny.  I went inside and found this very quiet animal.  It's called a sheep.  It has a coat of wool that is made into all kinds of things...including the "rug" in my house.  Very interesting.  She was curious just like me and we said hello thru the fence.  I liked her a lot.  Mommy...Can we take her home?  NO, awwww shucks.  
This lady was taking the wool (that's what they call the sheep's coat)  and was spinning into yarn.  Then they color it and use it to knit or crochet blankets, scarves, mitten and other things to stay warm with.  I didn't like the wheel.  It was scary having something so close to my head moving that fast.  

And on this farm they had some PIGS....E I E I O.  I wonder how such a cute little thing can become this big smelly NOISY snorting beast.  Mommy said they were looking for truffles.  I don't know what a truffle is but it sounds gross, especially if it lives in mud.  Yuck.
This is how I like my pig...LOL.  This is how they cure the meat.  Dad said that means they smoke it.   It smelled real good and made me hungry.  There were all different kinds of things in there.  I didn't know what most of it was but there was a few pieces of what looked like fish.    That made me miss Finley (well his water, at least).

The pig wasn't the only baby on the farm.  There were chicks and cute little guineas.  I learned that they don't like to be alone and won't go far from the others.   It sure looks like they are cozy.
Homemade Ice Cream...YUM

 The way they take corn kernals off the cob looks like so much  fun.  These kids were so busy.  I heard them say that it was going to be used to feed the animals on the farm.  I am glad I don't live on the farm.  I don't think I'd like to eat dry corn.

This thing is called a grist mill.  It's used to grind down the corn that have been taken of  the cobs.  Like in the pictures above.  When it is ground just a little it's called grits...hey Mommy eats that.  When it's ground down very very fine, it's called corn meal...Mommy uses that when she makes fish.  YUM.  it wasn't working when we were they because the worker was gone.  Oh well, it would have been neat to see it in action.
Hmmmm....what's for dinner?

Redneck Wine glass

I did a little window shopping and saw some ladies making rugs and blankets and then rested in the little red barn.  After a short nap, I was ready to go exploring again. 

I got really excited when I saw the tractor!  I got to sit on one last year at the pumpkin patch and had a lot of fun pretending to drive it.  This year mommy had bought me a cowboy hat.  Now she REALLY thinks my tractor's sexy.  
Aren't we silly
I did a little taste testing too.  It tasted light dirt.

I had a fun day but I was glad to be heading back to the hotel so I could nap.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Where Dreams Come True?

We made it to our first stop on our trip...Disneyworld!  Well, Downtown Disney.  I was excited to see what all the fuss was about.  Mommy and Dad say it's a magical place.  Mommy let me sit on her walker in my house and I had a great view of all the people there.  Everyone was so friendly and wanted to pet me. 

I went into the shops and tried on hats.  How do I look?  I liked the mouse ears...maybe I can be a better mouser with them on.  Especially with the magician's hat on them.  LOL

I found some dogs that don't bark OR sniff my butt.  I told them what's what!  See,  just like said before...Cats Rule and dogs drool.  Sooo many people were taking my picture and saying how adorable I was.  Mommy finally told me that the dogs were made from toy blocks.  I thought they were less hairy than normal and definitely smelled better.
Hey Buddy...what big everything you have!  I sure hope you don't want to eat me.  That's one big tater head.  

Here's more stuff made out of the toy blocks.  Daddy called them Legos.  He said that they just made a big park all out of Legos.  Maybe I'll ask for a Lego house for Christmas this year and a dog :)

Dory is teaching me to speak WHALE.  LOL

After dinner we got back on the road.  I was tired from all the attention but it sure made for sweet dreams.  Bye Mickey, Thank you for a fun afternoon.

Monday, October 10, 2011

if I had wings...

Look at cute and cuddly .  I spent most of the day laying around in my favorite patch of sunshine.  It was the perfect time for a nap.
Mommy spent the day sewing my Halloween costumes.  Yes, I said costumes with an "S".  She likes to dress me up and take pictures.  All I wanted to do was sleep but she begged me to sit for "just one good one" pleeeeease!  She even gave me the Look.  What could I do, so here are some photos we took today.
I guess this should probably be embarrassed by this one but I really am an Angel so....

I didn't like that straw.  Mommy left it outside and it was wet and scratchy.  I was happy when she said she got a good picture and that I could get down.  But I did like the smell and so I kept going over to the table and smelling it.  It smelled like outside and we all know how much I LOVE outside.
I think this one is my favorite....cuz you can see my yellow eyes.  Just in time for Halloween huh?

Well,  I am tired so I'm gonna go take a nap. 
(I have to keep up my imagine)